Klaverjas HD Pro

by Robin Knip


9.99 usd

Finally a real version of Klaverjas for your Android device

Klaverjassen is one of the most popular card games in the Netherlands, traditionally played in cafes and social clubs, as well as at home. The game is for 4 players who play in pairs, sitting opposite each other. The game has a number of variants, named after the cities where they originated: Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The object of the game is to score as many points as possible in 16 hands. In competition games the players on one table will rotate so as to have had each of the other three as a partner, so playing 3 sets of 16 hands. In each hand the object of the game is for the player (and partner) who chooses trumps to collect more than half of the available points. If they fail to do this then they score nothing at all and the opposing pair receives all of the points. Points are collected by taking tricks containing valuable cards, and also as bonus points during the play.This game is also know (in slightly different variants) as: Baloot, Pilotta, Belotte or Bela.Fixed some smaller bugs and improved the computer players. In order to keep using the online features of the app, please make sure to update to this version.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Awesome game in single and multiplayer mode. Almost never a disconnect

Alexander Menger

Very nice app with good artificial opponents

Jasper de Klein

A great App that has given me hours of high quality and world class Klaverjas.

Jip De Jaag

Fenomenale Appie van knipie

Daan Roorda

Very complete app, definitely worth it


Nice game. Especially the daily challenge.

Kees Kuip

Very complete, user friendly. Sometimes there are connection issues when playing with friends, but that's pretty rare

Djurre de Jong



Op zich best een aardig spel, toch een paar opmerkingen en irritaties. Maat speelt vaak op schoppen, gaat dan ook vaak lek en krijgt dan geen negatieve rating. Maat komt onnodig vaak uit met een vrouw en krijgt vervolgens 50 of 70 roem aan onze broek. Maat spekt niet of bijna nooit wanneer ik speel. Maat snijdt of duikt zijn aas zo'n 98% van alle keren om deze vervolgens bij de tegenpartij in te leveren. Maat verzuimt regelmatig om stuk op te halen, dit heb ik ook gezien bij de tegenstanders.

Robert Klok

Tina (noord) verpest het iedere keer. Verder een hele fijne app om te klaverjassen

Jens Lensen